JBoss Certified JEMS Middleware Expertの件

JBoss Certified Developer/Consultantを取得後,4日間分の上級トレーニング(Cluster/jBPM/Hibernate等)を受ければ自動的に1つ上のランクの資格が貰えるもんだと思っていたら「後で問題送るからその試験に合格したら資格あげる」とJBossの人から言われてもーた :P


There is no single certification exam for the CJME certification level. However, students must pass the relevant exam for any course to obtain training day credit to apply to the CJMA requirements. These exams are available through our online exam provider and may be accessed any time within 12 months of obtaining the respective course.

んん? わははマスターアーキテクトへの道は険しいのだよ,まで読んだ.